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As described in the documentation and in the DemoAutobanks from the integration demo, in order to post an event from an Auto-Defined SoundBank is necessary to load the bank via LoadBank and then to load media associated with these events, the game must call either AK::SoundEngine::PrepareEvent or AK::SoundEngine::SetMedia.
So from what I can understand PrepareEvent is opening and reading the associated media files via the stream manager while SetMedia is to have a more granular control.
Our codebase needs to create the device with a custom IAkLowLevelIOHook that is passed on device creation in order to managed file access in a custom way.
However I was expecting PrepareEvent to call BatchOpen/BatchRead from the IAkLowLevelIOHook interface with the .wem files associated to the event from the auto-defined soundbank I've already loaded via LoadBank.
Is it possible that PrepareEvent isn't meant to load the associated media when using auto-defined soundbanks?
When calling PrepareEvent my custom IAkLowLevelIOHook is just asked to open a file via AkFileOpenData. This file doesn't have a filename in it but it has just a fileID that correspond to the Id of the soundbank and the event id I can see in the xml. I was (maybe wrongly) expecting to see the path to the media referenced in the event or at least a fileID matching the Id of one of the <Media><File> nodes inside the soundbank.
What is the expected behaviour when mixing auto-defined soundbanks and a custom IAkLowLevelIOHook?
Thank you!
in General Discussion by mm_db (130 points)

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