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I figured out how to set multiple positions with the blueprint function but am struggling to find a Large Mode option.
in General Discussion by Cody C. (130 points)

1 Answer

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Hey Cody, 

Yes and no. There's not a "Large Mode" in the Wwise Unreal Integration, but you can definitely achieve the same result by using the SetMultiplePositions Blueprint function

In Unity, both Large mode and Multi-Position mode use the SetMultiPositions() function. The AkAmbient component's Position Type (Large Mode and Multi-Position) are just different ways of setting up these multiple positions. 

If you want something that works like Large Mode in Unreal, you'll have to set it up manually. However, if you need an example of how to use the SetMultiplePositions in Unreal, head into Wwise Audio Lab, pick the WaterSplinePath in Outliner, and open the OceanAmbientSound Blueprint. 

by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)