For context, we've been working on a Unity that is soon to be released. However, some new console SDK forces us to switch Wwise version right now. Here's a few info:
Unity version: 2021.3.28f1
Current Wwise version: 2022.1.3
Target Wwise version: 2022.1.9
The project works and plays as expected.
The project is under version control on git.
I followed the Upgrade Wwise integration in the Audiokinetic launcher (using the recommended temp package) and the process carried through until the very end when it executes Unity to validate the integration. It ends with "Executing Unity To Complete The Installation. This May Take A Few Minutes, Please Wait...". It then crashes.
The log doesn't mention much, except:
"Got a UNKNOWN while executing native code. This usually indicates a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries used by your application."
Here's the things that I tried:
- Took the Unity project as is and tried to upgrade;
- Removed an error that was in the project by removed a package with a missing link;
- Stashed all changes under source control;
- Tried upgrading to Wwise 2023.1.also, with the same result.
Anyone have had this issue while updating the Wwise integration?