While doing the Wwise 101 Certification Lesson 1, I keep getting a fatal error(s) message when trying to generate a soundbank. When I compare the lesson to my Wwise window, I notice that I'm showing Auto-Defined Soundbanks, whereas this is nowhere to be seen in the lesson. Below you will see the full message. Any help would be appreciated!
Time ID Message Platform Parameters
Message 00:23:25 OverrideProjectExternalSourcesOutputPaths Override project External Sources output paths: False
Message 00:23:25 OverrideProjectSoundBankSettings Override project SoundBank settings: True
Message 00:23:25 OverrideProjectSoundBankPaths Override project SoundBank paths: True
Message 00:23:25 UseSourceControlGeneratedFiles Use Source Control for Generated Files: False
Message 00:23:25 None Trial mode: SoundBanks contain 1 media item(s) out of the 200 permitted. If you plan on releasing your project commercially, or if you think you will require more than 200 sound assets, please register your project.
https://audiokinetic.com/faq/register_project If you have already registered your project, please add your license key to the Wwise project.
https://audiokinetic.com/faq/apply_license_key Need help?
https://audiokinetic.com/faq/contact_sales_rep Mac
Message 00:23:25 ExternalSourcesOutputPath External Sources output path: Z:\Applications\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2023.1.0.8367\Cube\Wwise-101_v2021\Lesson 1\Wwise - 101 Lesson 1\GeneratedSoundBanks\Mac Mac
Message 00:23:25 SoundBanksOutputPath SoundBanks output path: \\ Mac
Fatal Error 00:23:25 WritingBankFileFailed Can't write bank file 'Main' for language 'SFX': \Main.bnk Mac Main, SFX
Fatal Error 00:23:25 WritingBankFileFailed Can't write bank file 'Init' for language 'SFX': \Init.bnk Mac Init [Missing], SFX
Fatal Error 00:23:25 WritingInfoFileFailed Can't write SoundBank Info file: \SoundbanksInfo.xml~ Mac \SoundbanksInfo.xml~
Fatal Error 00:23:25 WritingInfoFileFailed Can't write SoundBank Info file: \PluginInfo.xml~ Mac \PluginInfo.xml~
Fatal Error 00:23:25 WritingInfoFileFailed Can't write SoundBank Info file: \PlatformInfo.xml~ Mac \PlatformInfo.xml~
Message 00:23:25 7 message(s), 0 warning(s), 0 error(s), 5 fatal error(s)