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We are trying to abstract and modularize integration of Wwise in our Unreal project therefore have a plugin called OurGameAudio plugin which relies on Wwise plugin. And we added WwiseAudio folder in that plugin and importing generated bank uassets there, including InitBank. 

In PIE everything works as expected. However, in a cooked build we run into this following error : 

[2023.11.27-08.28.09:421][  0]LogWwiseFileHandler: Error: FWwiseInMemorySoundBankFileState::OpenFile 1355168291 (Init): Failed to load SoundBank (../../../OurGame/Content/WwiseAudio/Init.bnk).
[2023.11.27-08.28.09:421][  0]LogWwiseFileHandler: Warning: FWwiseFileState::OpenFileFailed SoundBank 1355168291: Opening Failed -> Closed
[2023.11.27-08.28.09:421][  0]LogWwiseFileHandler: Warning: FWwiseFileState::IncrementCountDone SoundBank 1355168291: Could not open file for asset loading. [State:0 CanLoad:false CanOpen:true]
[2023.11.27-08.28.09:422][  0]LogWwiseResourceLoader: Error: LoadInitBankResources: Could not load InitBank Init (1355168291)
[2023.11.27-08.28.09:422][  0]LogWwiseResourceLoader: Error: LoadInitBankAsync: Could not load InitBank Init (1355168291)

It sounds like Wwise assumes Init.bnk exists in WwiseStagingDirectory. ( Game/WwiseAudio/.. ) 

We have set the Default Asset Creation Path to be /OurGameAudio/WwiseAudio. We are using: Unreal 5.3.1 with Wwwise 2022.1.8. 

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

David Gurney

in General Discussion by David G. (100 points)

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