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Hey, I just finished the 201.lesson 2 and I got the same problem, there is no music in the cube game.

1- I add the Music Playlist Container Combat into the Envent Music (with remplace the Explore Music).

I checked the Profiler Capture and I can read that all the different media files were not loaded for this source.


2- So I try to delete the windows and mac folder in the \Audiokinetic\Wwise 2021.?.?.????\Cube\cube\soundbanks\ and regenerate the soundbank and it doesn't work again.

The game told me when I opened it "Unknown Command: music" and the Capture Log Bank Load Failed" and "File Music.bnk not found in path's: soundbanks\windows\English(US)\music.bnk


There's also something something strange about it, in the soundbank layer, the Music.bnk is a 0 Data Size.... I don't unferstand, because I follow all the Lesson 1 and 2 instructions with no issues...



in General Discussion by Antoine A. (100 points)

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