Hi there,
Let's say I have such setup:
- Spatial Room.
- ObjectA inside room located in one corner of the room with no openings.
- ObjectB is located in the same room with different acoustic properties and/or much of openings.
I'd like to control send aux level per audio object instead of updating the whole spatial room initialization settings. So normally if the spatial room is updated — then the same reverb amount will be applied on each object located in the room. What I'm trying to achieve: is to have different reverb level for each audio object individually (basically something like SetEarlyReflectionsVolume, but applied of late reverbs instead of early reflections).
I tried to make a call of SetGameObjectAuxSendValues with object's ID and ID of a bus assigned to the spatial room, but that didn't help, as it didn't modify the aux send level from the object to the room's reverb, but instead created a new graph connection directly from object to aux bus running in parallel to the room aux send but not contributing into diffraction / transmission / ERs.
Is something like this possible to have in the future or are there an workarounds now already to implement something like this?