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+1 vote
When going through the Wwise 101 tutorial with Cube some of the sounds are not triggering but others are. For instance when I run the Cube demo straight out of the gate the IceGem sound doesn't seem to trigger however the footsteps do. Initially I thought this was a glitch but when making my way through Lesson 1 I found that the IceGem sound still will not trigger in game. When following all the directions in Lesson 1 to a T, the IceGem sound still won't trigger and I get this error:

    0:00:14.250    Error    Selected media 0 (unknown) not available    IceGem_Blast    Local Player    1050766996    140443476370896    Game Object

Has anyone else run into this or know how to fix it?

I'm running Mac OS Monterey v12.5.1 and Wwise 2022.1.8.8316
in General Discussion by Ben Kling (110 points)
I also have this issue. I was quite impressed with this program at first because the directions were so clear. By the end of lesson 1, however, I experienced more inconsistencies bewtween the instructions and the current version. Now like you, I cannot get the IceBlast to sound in Cube, though it works in Wwise.

1 Answer

0 votes

Actually, I deleted my first lesson 1 file and tried again following the video instructions instead of the written out instruction (using the mac appropriate options of course). This time it worked. I think I may have missed the adding of the event to the "Main" Soundbank part. I also may have changed a setting I wasn't supposed to when trying to reconcile the differences between the current version of Wwise and the one they used for the instructions. I recommend starting over and referencing the video.

by Langston K. (150 points)