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I'm currently working on a Max/MSP–Wwise system, which, amongst other things, will allow me to prototype scenarios in a Soundcaster session more efficiently and, in this case, make a redesign of a linear video clip using a dynamic approach in Wwise.

I am currently trying to change a switch with MIDI, but am having some issues, mainly that it doesn't change based on MIDI note number (or MIDI cc for that matter), which is chosen as the input. Is this a limitation of the Soundcaster not updating on MIDI note number and/or MIDI CC when no game engine is driving the system? I can also target said switch item via the control surface bindings, but can not "set" anything, only a couple of commands, including "play" which isn't - and I wasn't counting on it - doing what I want. There is also the possibility to "pass" this MIDI note onwards via the control surface bindings, but that also doesn't seem to do the trick.

For reference, the Soundcaster session will trigger and play SFX items just fine as expected.

So I would like to know if I am running my head against a basic MIDI implementation limitation of Wwise or if I am simply just not setting it up correctly.

Thanks in advance.

– Marc.
in General Discussion by Marc H. (100 points)
Hi Marc,

I am also trying to do a small installation playback via Wwise and Max/MSP, and am also struggling with finding a way to change switch via MIDI. 

Did you have any luck after this post?

Thank you!

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