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UE5.3 Support - Wwise Roadmap

+1 vote

We are currently working on adapting our Wwise Unreal integration to the changes introduced in version 5.3 of the engine. We plan to complete this work in the coming weeks to introduce official support for the new version of Unreal in Wwise 2022.1.8.

Wwise 2022.1.8 is planned for release on September 28th.

Until Wwise 2022.1.8 becomes available, it is possible to use Wwise 2022.1.7 in a UE5.3 project if you are willing to perform a manual installation. A manual installation consists of following the steps described in the "Installing the Wwise Unreal Integration as an Engine Plug-in" section of the Wwise Unreal Integration Installation page: []( It can be used to update a project that uses Wwise as a game plug-in by replacing the path to the engine installation with the path to the project. The only additional step is to edit the `Plugins\Wwise\Wwise.uplugin` file to specify you want to use UE5.3: `"EngineVersion": "5.3.0"`.

If you follow the steps, and run into an issue that you'd like to bring to our attention, you should either file a [support ticket]( if you have an active support package, or send in a bug report through the AK Launcher (under the Help menu).  Note that bug reports may not get you a direct response from our engineers, but you can contact your AK representative via your project page to ask about the status of a reported issue.

Update for Wwise 2021.1.x

The Wwise 2021.1.13.8026.2580 Unreal integration can also be used with UE5.3 if you are willing to perform a manual installation. as explained above. We plan to release a new version of the Unreal Integration for Wwise 2021.1.14 on October 26th that will have full support for UE5.3.

asked Sep 21, 2023 in General Discussion by Guillaume R. (Audiokinetic) (5,820 points)
Hi! The 1.8 version is out now, and states support, but when trying to integrate I get a missing VC_170... Any reason for this or a fix? The launcher also says that the UE version is unsupported by the latest Wwise version. It does show support in the release notes.
Hi! Signal boosting as I have the same problem as the above.

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