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We're using Wwise's External Sources to drive a Dynamic Dialogue system, but experiencing very short silences between files, after queuing them all up.
Currently, we're using DynamicSequenceType_NormalTransition, because changing to DynamicSequenceType_SampleAccurate throws an assertion. I understand that the SampleAccurate should fix this error.

`AKASSERT(m_pCodec != nullptr)` complaining about the codec, which is just using OGG VORBIS.

First up, what would be the cause of this assertion?

Secondly, we're opening a dynamic dialogue sequence at the start of play, and not closing it till it finishes, clearing and replacing clips as need be and firing off sequences. Is this the intended use case of Wwise's Dynamic Dialogue System, or should it be open and closed per sequence, completely remaking the AkPlayingID and storing it as we go?

Anyone got any experience with these issues? I'd originally assumed that the issue may be one of the encoder taking time to decode (which also throws a AK_NotYetImplemented, which seems strange to have this on 2021.1.10?)

in General Discussion by David W. (100 points)

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