
Audiokinetic's Community Q&A is the forum where users can ask and answer questions within the Wwise and Strata communities. If you would like to get an answer from Audiokinetic's Technical support team, make sure you use the Support Tickets page.

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I started the Wwise 101 course, and after i set up all the instructions to sync the switch container with the foot_player event.

after that when I lunch the game I only hear the default switch, when i open the capture log, it's shows me all the movements are correct as i can track every movement in the log but there is no sound from it, or only the default sound, and the in the description it says: "Switch to "Default.""

how I can make it sounds properly?
in General Discussion by Islam E. (100 points)

1 Answer

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You may want to check all the filters in the capture log window (the eye icon on the up-right corner) and check out if the switches are functional. If it works, you should see more than one Switch to "stone", "dirt" or something, as well as some API-calls. Check out if you receive the correspond API-calls as you walk to different surfaces. I guess, in your case, they are all good, and then you should check out if you correctly set the switchgroup in your container's general settings. Don't forget to pull your child containers or sounds into the switch group in the Contents Editor window. (by default layout, it is seen in the middle, and on the right side there's an "assigned Objects" and it should be your place to go.
by Zhuolun Z. (930 points)