I have a song in my wwise project. The song is divided intro different segments which are parts of five different playlists. There are transitions between the playlist occuring through a switch that is controlled by unity. I tried to add som music event cues to the music segments, triggering some events that act to make another switch change controlling a totally different sound in the game (a sound which is part of a wwise event that triggers whenever the player in the game shoots his gun). When I added these event cues to the music segments the transitions between the playlist of the song started to act strange. When a switch change occurs in unity that changes playlist, in some (not all) of the cases the sound of the music stops. It seems that the clips in question are playing silently, because if I switch to a different switch I can still recognize the transition that occurs (because it is set to start at the same time as the previous playlist (time of exit)). Does anybody know what possibly could be wrong? Is it me doing something wrong or is this a bug in Wwise? Even if I delete all my music event cues the problem is still there....