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+1 vote
Hello guys,

I'm building a ambience system for an RPG with Wwise and Unity. I use the AkRoom and AkRoomPortal scripts to create obstruction and occlusion in houses.


To create a dynamic ambience I would usually create a stereo layer with basic ambient sound and add randomised oneshots to create variation. For the oneshot I usually use (in Wwise) positioning/3D Position/Emitter with Automation. If you choose this option Wwise cant use the Diffraction and Transmission anymore.


I am looking for a way to use randomised 3D positioning in combination with AkRooms and Portals. (or something similar)


I'd like to discuss your ideas and workarounds.




Wwise 2022.1.2

Unity 2021.3.3f1
in General Discussion by Max H. (110 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
It seems to be Wwise is having limitation for Diffraction and Automation.
My work around is making the sample source have some different panning L/R or making 2 Mono into one Stereo, and then make use of "SPREAD" inside Attenuation.
For 3D Spatialization, you can choose Position or Position + Orientation base on your preference, which ever outcome you would prefer. But I'll recommend using Position + Orientation.

Below is the example Wwise had at their Youtube channel
by Zhen Ee Goh (140 points)