I'm working on a Unity game with an audio team and we decided to upgrade Wwise from version 2021 to 2022. We upgraded the Wwise project on my system and then we upgraded the integration on another system. The system the Unity Integration was upgraded on is fully functioning with no errors. With the help of source control all the files on my system should be the exact same and we're using the same versions of both Unity and Wwise. However building the soundbanks with Wwise version 2022.1.3.1879 with an updated Unity Integeration Bundle (version 2022.1.3.2728) on my system results in the following errors:
WwiseUnity: Failed load Init.bnk with result: AK_WrongBankVersion
Wwise: Load bank failed : incompatible bank version. Bank was generated with an older version of Wwise. The Bank version is 140 and the current runtime SDK version is 145 (v2022.1.3)
We've tried so many things. We've double checked everything and even tried setting everything up from scratch on my system, but it is not working. What can we do to solve this?