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Im trying to build a simple game in unity where sound sources are moving around an audio listener (Video Below). The game is supposed to be played with sound only (audio game) and once the objects are in reach of the player you can interact with them. For this i need precise spatial acuracy for the best sound source localisation possible. Whenever the Soundobject spawn there is a sound queue playing from the location it spawns and then it continously emits a radar like sound until it hits the listener and gets destroyed.

Ive been using 3D Audio with medium effect only so im trying to integrate Wwise Reflect and some Reverb now. 

Reflect: Im using Windows Sonic for Headphones so i have 112 voices available. I did get the reflections running by adding a spatial audio listener, routing my audio thorugh a reflection bus and adding a reflect room.  I keep getting very high numbers in voices though which results in a downmix to stereo. Also the reflections do not sound very realistic and more like distinct sound sources themselves. Ive played with the settings a little but before solving the voices issue i dont think it leads anywhere. 

I have tried different reflection orders but i always get to many voices eventhough there is just two sound sources playing at a time. I do get an error message that voices are used somewhere else too but i cant figure out where. 

Here is an Imgur Post with various Unity/Wwise Settings, Screen Captures and Error Messages.

I appreciate any hints how to solve this and if youve got any general idea how to improve localisation accuracy of the sound source shoot right away.






in General Discussion by Philipp S. (100 points)

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