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Hello everybody!

I'm currently working on a Wwise course (using Wwise 2021.1.5), and I'm doing a section on dynamic music.
I have a piece of menu music and a piece of gameplay music, and I want the menu music to fade out into the same timestamp in the gameplay music upon pressing a button. To do this, there is a state called "menu" and a state called "gameplay", which changes upon pressing the "Start game" button. There's a transition inside my switch container that contains the menu and gameplay music, which says that upon changing state, the menu music should fade out immediately, and then go to the destination gameplay music, which should also fade in, by syncing to the same time as the currently playing segment.
It is currently working inside Wwise, and I can test it out both in the soundcaster and the regular transport control by playing around with the switches.
However, when I build my soundbanks and play my game inside Unity, the sync doesn't work! It will always jump to the beginning of the next segment, no matter what I've set in the "sync to" option.
The weirdest part is that I can tell the transition to do literally anything else and it'll work inside Unity. I can tell it to fade out, fade in, play a transition segment, and it'll work well inside Unity. However, this specific "Sync to" parameter doesn't.

Do any of you guys have any ideas about how I might fix this issue? Thanks!
in General Discussion by Alejandro L. (100 points)

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