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Hey all, I've inherited a project in which the majority (if not entirety) of sounds are not Ambient Sounds placed in the level. When I've done some testing in Blueprint (triggering different nodes (Post Event, Post Event at Location, Spawn Ak Component at Location)), none of them adhere to the Occlusion & Obstruction properties that are set in Wwise (no Occlusion or Obstruction occurs). Though, when I place an Ambient Sound in the level and enclose the player, the Occlusion effects are audible. With Ambient Sounds, the Occlusion Refresh Rate property is included in the Details panel so can be applied there, but how can I make any sound, no matter how it is triggered adhere to the Occlusion & Obstruction settings in Wwise?

UE4.27, Wwise 2021.1.10.7883

Thank you
in General Discussion by Alex B. (100 points)

1 Answer

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Hello Alex,

I think I have had a similar problem you are having and wanted to share some paths I took to achieve Occlusion/Obstruction using Wwise in Unity:

  1. AkEmitterObstructionOcclusion - I messed with this AkComponent and it may do what you're looking for, but did not end up being my method for applying Occlusion, only Obstruction.

^Link^ AkEmitterObstructionOcclusion

       2. Occlusion Using Raycast - I will link a video below that I referenced for using Raycasts to apply Occlusion from Wwise.  Basically, a line is cast between the listener and an emitter.  A script referencing an RTPC in Wwise will apply an increase or decrease in whatever dynamics you please, based on whether the Raycast between the listener and emitter touches a collider.

^Link^ Raycast Occlusion

I hope this helps!  If you uncover a different solution, I would be curious to know what you did.


by BaggoNotes (1.0k points)
I somehow mistook "UE4" as 'Unity Engine' and realized it is for Unreal Engine.  Sorry about that, though you should hopefully be able to translate the above-mentioned proposals into Unreal.