We will release a game on PS4, PS5 and Switch.
We use Wwise 2019.2.13 on UnrealEngine 4.26.
PS4 is required to be in SDK 10.0.
PS5 is required to be in SDK 6.0.
Switch is required to be in SDK 14.3.
On executing "Check" on PS4, The ROM made by UE4.26, PS4 SDK 10.0, Wwise 2019.2.13,
We get the following errors.
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akaudioinput.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akcompressor.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akdelay.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akexpander.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akflanger.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akgain.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akguitardistortion.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akharmonizer.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akmatrixreverb.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akparametriceq.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akpeaklimiter.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akpitchshifter.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akrecorder.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akroomverb.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (aksilencegenerator.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (aksinetone.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (aksoundseedair.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (aksoundseedimpact.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (akstereodelay.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (aksynthone.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (aktimestretch.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (aktonegen.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (aktremolo.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (sceaudio3d.prx, SDK version must be 10.00x)
We get similar errors on PS5, The ROM made by UE4.26, PS5 SDK 6.0, Wwise 2019.2.13.
Sounds are playing as intended in the game.
We don't have time to upgrade Wwise because it's just before the release.
We would like Wwise2019.2.13 which fixes the errors.
Thank you.