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Unreal Engine 5.1 and Wwise 2022.1.2 Voice Starvation Hang on Initializing [closed]

+1 vote

I'm currently trying to upgrade my project to Wwise 2022.1.2 and UE5.1 but am having issues it seems with a never-ending loop of the message:

[2023.03.16-01.20.20:873][ 0]LogWwiseMonitor: Voice Starvation [Debugger])

I get this on a timer it seems after changing the 'GeneratedSoundbanks' folder in the Unreal Project Settings to match the Wwise Project's 'GeneratedSoundbanks' folder as mentioned and shown in the Migration documentation.

The strange thing is that the Sound and process seems to work initially and it all seems fine but upon restarting UE or trying to touch the 'GeneratedSoundbanks' location in the UE Project Settings, I get stuck on 75% when booting up the engine again and this Voice Starvation Error message in Visual Studio when debugging indefinitely leaving me with no choice but to copy and paste a backup copy of the project and do the whole tedious process over and over again hoping for some variation of a setting to fix it.

I also have no errors or Starvation issues it seems on the Wwise project end so I'm not sure what it is but must be something to do with the integration and more on the UE side?

Thanks in advance,

closed with the note: Solved by updating Wwise to 2022.1.4 and Unreal Engine 5.1.1 as well as making sure the Wwise 'Ask for Asset Reload' was ticked/enabled.
asked Mar 15, 2023 in General Discussion by Nathan C. (260 points)
closed May 26, 2023 by Nathan C.
Also getting this error. Unreal 4.27 and Wwise 2022.1.3