Hello everyone!
... mhhh, ok. This is a Work in Progress! I am learning Wwise since 1 year...
I found an issue to and about that " problem " but ... I got a new problem in Unity with the " unities " from the Y axe we use to set our RTPC.
- 1st: this is not really obvious to understand that "you expect use" a Game Parameter like a RTPC as well without a Built-in Parameter you have to manage it inside your Wwise Projetc, for sure!
- At least, don't forget to SET your RTPC as a GameParameter inside your Event's Editor!
- Set it with the type of "SCOPE" and the "Absolute / Relative " option on the right side of the Editor
With my partner in crime we have tested and tested and in recent days. She has increased the C# Script as well and is running!
You must, of course, create a "variable" as a "float" function in C# to catch the value we want to use to trig our RTPC!
Watch out Cujo Sound, Michael Sweet, LampEyes etc... ( thank you to them ) on their YouTube channels to teach that way!
But... then, go back in my " problem " ...
Our C# Script runs, but the " float " function send back from Unity to Wwise some values in micro-dregrees not in degrees...
If you remember we use a object in rotation on is own Y axe
We got i.e. " 0.06748939 " not " 5,45 ° "
Some of you have a clue about why Unity sent us back this kind of unities values and not some in "degrees"?