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I've been following the example here for a low pass filter plugin ( and I hit an error for the line that updates the frequency parameter in the bank - 

// Write bank data here

in_pDataWriter->WriteReal32(m_propertySet.GetReal32(in_guidPlatform, "Frequency"));

error C2039: 'GetReal32': is not a member of 'AK::Wwise::IPluginPropertySet' [C:\Users\Anantha\Documents\Wwise_plugins\MyFilter\WwisePlugin\MyFilter_Authoring_Windows_vc160.vcxproj]

Looks like the function is not a part of the IPluginPropertySet class? Do I need to inherit from another class or has this function been removed?

Any advice woould be appreciated.


in General Discussion by Anantha G. (200 points)

1 Answer

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This tutorial expects you to use the newer Authoring API first introduced in 21.1. This API is found under the AK::Wwise::Plugin:: namespace (see files under "Wwise <version>/SDK/include/AK/Wwise/Plugin").

The legacy, pre-21.1 plug-in API has classes under AK::Wwise:: and has been preserved for backward compatibility, however it is deprecated and should not be used for new plug-ins.

In the tutorial, the template plug-in generated by " new" already uses the new API; the class inherited by the Authoring plug-in is AK::Wwise::Plugin::AudioPlugin instead AK::Wwise::DefaultAudioPluginImplementation.
The type of m_propertySet, in this case, is AK::Wwise::Plugin::PropertySet (as requested automatically by AK::Wwise::Plugin::AudioPlugin) and does provide the GetReal32 function.

by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23.6k points)
Oh my bad - I was on an older Wwise SDK, thanks a lot Samuel!
No problem, happy coding!