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My English may be poor. I apologize in advance.
There was a problem using Wwise Reflect Plug-in(free evaluation). There was a problem while working with Unreal Engine version 5.0.3.
When you press the Generate All button on SoundBank, you found the sentence 'No License for Wwise Reflect Plug-in' appears in the message window.
I set up the Project License in Wwise Launcher after receiving approval for the project and entered the License Key using the License Manager in the project file.
I'm inquiring because I don't know the cause of the problem. Have a great day today. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.


↓There is a capture picture related to the inquiry at the address below. Please check it out. Thank you.


If there is any additional information I need to inform you, please feel free to email me at ''. I always thank Audiokinetic.

in General Discussion by 우빈 (100 points)
recategorized by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello 우빈 ,

That's sounds a bit weird.  So, at first in your " manage licence board " ( on the first screenshhot ) try copy de LICENCE KEY ( on the top in your pic ) with the option for!
- Then, launch Wwise and, in the  "PROJECT" menu, search a sub menu named "Licence Manager..." 
- Open it
- paste there YOUR "Licence key" that you copied from your licence board on your AudioKinetic profile online ( from the web site )

- Then, click on CLOSE button
- Then, save [ ctrl S ] your Wwise Project and close it
- Launch again
- Check your plugIn's licence
- Once again generate the / your(s) Soundbank(s) / you need 
- Save again your Wwise project

- In UE5, refresh your project inside the " wwise picker " + Generate once your Soundbank from there
- save
- run


What's happen now?



by éliane b. (220 points)