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Getting an include error when trying to build an Authoring plugin

0 votes

I've been following the Wwise up on Air and One minute videos on creating an Authoring plugin. I'm able to create the plugin using and build for debugging as well as premake for Authoring, but when building the Authoring plugin I get this error - 

C:\Wwise\SDK\include\AK\Wwise\Plugin\PluginMFCWindows.h(44,10): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'afxwin.h'
: No such file or directory (compiling source file TestGainPlugin.cpp) [C:\Users\Anantha\TestGain\WwisePlugin\TestGain_
C:\Wwise\SDK\include\AK\Wwise\Plugin\PluginMFCWindows.h(44,10): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'afxwin.h'
: No such file or directory (compiling source file Win32\TestGainPluginGUI.cpp) [C:\Users\Anantha\TestGain\WwisePlugin\


Just for context, I'm on a virtual machine running windows11 (ARM) and using VS 2019 with Wwise 2022. Any ideas on what I need to be doing differently to not hit this error? 

Any help would be appreciated.


asked Feb 2, 2023 in General Discussion by Anantha G. (200 points)
edited Feb 2, 2023 by Anantha G.

1 Answer

+1 vote
afxwin.h is a header file part of the MFC library, which is why it is included by the PluginMFCWindows interface. You will need to install the MFC libraries from the Visual Studio installer to use it. You can also not use MFC and implement the WindowProc using the Win32 C API.

Fun side-story: according to the Wikipedia page, AFX (for Application Framework Extensions) was the original name of the MFC framework, but it was too late to change all the headers by the time they decided on the MFC name. This is also why the PCH (pre-compiled header) for MFC projects is called "stdafx.h"!
answered Feb 4, 2023 by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23,440 points)
edited Feb 6, 2023 by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic)
Awesome - able to build now, thanks Samuel!