Currently taking the quiz on lesson 3 for Wwise 201. One of the questions asks you to:
"Select any of the following methods that can be used to import audio files to an existing Music Track? (Select all that apply.):
-Right-click a Music Track in the Music Segment Editor and choose Import Audio Files....
-Right-click a Music Segment Container and choose Import Audio files and, from the available list, choose the name of the Music Track contained within to indicate the desired destination.
-Select the Music Track object in the Project Explorer, right-click and use the Import Audio Files... option. "
Option 1 in this instance doesn't work, so I didn't select it. Yet options 2 and 3 both allow you to import a new music track on to the end of an existing music track, yet the quiz tells me only option 3 is correct. But I've tested it and you can import a new music track onto an existing one via right-clicking on a Music Segment Container and selecting the destination for the new file as the current Music Track. Not sure why the quiz marks this answer as wrong?