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We are using FAkAudioDevice::RegisterCaptureCallback to capture our game audio and persist it in ogg files.
This works fine on PC / PS5, and stereo audio is received (using Unreal Engine).

However, when enabling PS5 3D audio, the buffer received in the capture callback contains 36 channels. We understand this is the raw data for spatial audio.

Questions are:
- Is returning audio buffer in the "raw format" the expected behaviour of the capture callback feature?
If so, is there any Ak API that could help us convert raw data to stereo channels according to positions?

It seems channels could be mixed on application side using the following utilities, but we don't have access to AkDevice (at least).

- Is there any configuration flag we could toggle so the capture callback will provide us with stereo channels ?

in General Discussion by Guillaume E. (100 points)

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