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Say you have a hobby/portfolio project with max 200 samples (= builds without license), can you legally share it in GitHub?

I'm working on a small Unity game prototype and thought about making it public at some point as part of portfolio, but wondering if there is official stance towards sharing Wwise projects as long as you are not sharing license keys or the Wwise engine plugins themselves.
in General Discussion by Sauli L. (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
You are indeed free to share a Wwise project that does not include a license key eg: the un-licensed version. Even if you are using premium plugins, as long as you remove your license key from the project before sharing it, there are no issues there since the premium plugins will only work in the authoring environment (soundbank generation will be impossible) if there is no license key, as designed.
by Maximilien S. (2.8k points)
selected by Mads Maretty (Audiokinetic)