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Attenuation Spheres not showing.

0 votes
Wwise version 2019.1.6.7221

Attenuation spheres not showing when selecting 'current event only' or 'all_events'. When deselecting the attenuation in the positioning tab the audio is restored but without the required automation in voice volume. Is there a way around this? Do I have to add the attenuation to the soundbank? I did try but it does not allow this. It just seems as soon as I try to apply this setting it mutes the audio. Also the attenuation sphere does not appear, some instances I have tried in other projects it does however it will not change in size when changing the distance. I have got max distance selected in the projects settings.
asked Oct 14, 2022 in General Discussion by Bradley K. (150 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
Hello Bradley,

First off, have you tried taking a look at these posts?

If those do not help you out, could you try deleting the SoundBanks (including Wwise_IDs) then generate them again?
Make sure the "Generate XML Metadata" along with all Metadata Options are enabled. These informations will have to be added to the metadata from where the Unity integration can fetch it, and this will ensure that the files are actually being replaced.

Let us know how it goes.
answered Oct 18, 2022 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,780 points)
selected Jul 21, 2023 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic)
Can confirm. It does not work on my test object in Wwise 2022.

Btw. 10976 is literally just your comment again and 7013 just recommends to install a previous version of Wwise. Unfortunately, this issue is still around.
+2 votes
I've just had the same issue and tracked it down to a line of code in akWwiseXMLBuilder.cs


In that file, there was a line at the start of the function SerialiseSoundBank that read:

var includedEvents = node.SelectNodes("IncludedEvents");


However, my SoundBanks.XML didn't contain any nodes with this name.

I changed this line to read the following, and I am now seeing the attenuation spheres.

var includedEvents = node.SelectNodes("Events");
answered Feb 6, 2023 by Jason P. (190 points)

I thought that your answer would solve this problem, but no, it didn't do anything for me... I can't understand this recurring problem...

Could someone from Wwise help us? Thanks

This worked for me. It took me  while to find the source code - as I'm not a coder, but it worked straight away. Thanks for offering a solution.
Worked for me,
Thank you!