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0 votes
I'm not having any luck getting my soundbanks to build. I keep getting  "soundbank generation failed". I'd like to mention that I'm able to have the Wwise/UE4 demo projects communicate no problem. I was also able to play a custom sound that I imported into UnrealWwiseDemo(Wwise) and have it play in the UnrealWwiseDemoGame(UE4) after generating the necessary soundbanks. Im a novice UE4 user, basically just subbed to UE4 to do sound design in the showcase levels. I went through the majority of the Project Adventure Handbook, and wanted to put my sound designing/Wwise skills to an actuall 3D world. Thanks in adavnce.




Joe R
in General Discussion by Joseph R. (130 points)
can you paste the exact error you get at generation?

1 Answer

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Best answer

The Limited Commercial License is only required if you're planning on doing a commercial release.  The evaluation version of Wwise is limited to 200 sound files in your soundbanks, which is where you might be running into problems (do you have an idea of your asset count?)  Also, if you've experimented with some of the premium plug-ins, you wouldn't be able to build out soundbanks since these require a license.  Examples of these would include Convolution Reverb, SoundSeed, McDSP and a few others.

Hope that helps clear things up, and if you end up needing a full non-commercial license for a specific project, please send in a mail to us via the Contacts page here:


by Mike D. (Audiokinetic) (3.9k points)
selected by Claude B. (Audiokinetic)
Thanks for the information. I figured out what the problem was. Its seems I just needed to restart UE4 and regenerate the soundbank for it to work.


Joe R.