Hello, I'm trying to optimize my workflow by building a WAAPI nodejs app. Unfortunately Wwise throws an error when I try to call the import method with a path on a local hard drive.
Here is my code
function importSound(session){
var path = "Y:\\Game\\Audio\\Wwise\\Game\\Originals\\intros\\"
var newImport = {
importOperation: "createNew",
default: {
importLanguage: "SFX"
imports: [
objectPath: "\\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\\journey\\stages\\calibration",
audioFile: path + 'intro1.wav',
//"@Volume": 0.42
objectPath: "\\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\\journey\\stages\\calibration",
audioFile: path + 'intro2.wav',
//"@Volume": 0.1
session.call('ak.wwise.core.object.import', [], newImport ).then(
function(res) {
function (error) {
console.log('error: ', error);
function() {
The error that I get is the following
error: Error {
error: 'ak.wwise.invalid_procedure_uri',
args: [],
kwargs: {
message: 'The procedure URI is unknown.',
details: { procedureUri: 'ak.wwise.core.object.import' }
I'm working on a mac (Silicon) using Wwise 2022.1.0 and the NodeJS library. I also tried writing the calls in Python but that didn't work either (I get the same error). I'm pretty sure that my files are located in the right folder. I checked multiple times based on the suggestion from the documentation.
Here is the location of my project -> (Y:\Game\Audio\Wwise\Game\Game.wproj).
This is the path to the file on my mac -> (Macintosh HD > Users > studio > Game > Audio > Wwise > Game > Originals > intros > intro1.wav)
And here is the path that I'm sending through WAAPI -> ("Y:\\Game\\Audio\\Wwise\\Game\\Originals\\intros\\intro1.wav")
I wonder what I'm missing here.