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+1 vote
Every time I quit a project or close Wwise, it doesn't matter what I do or how I do it when it comes to collapsed/expanded folders/containers in the Project Explorer windows. The next time I open that Wwise project, the folder/container expanded/collapsed states never seem to be restored properly, and always seem to restore to the same arbitrarily-saved view state from a long time ago.

Is there some cache file (or several files) that are responsible for saving and restoring these states? If I delete them before closing a project, would they get generated anew with the current views so they'll restore properly the next time I open the project?

If not, does anyone know how I can fix this so that Wwise will correctly restore the view of the Project Explorer windows as they were the last time I closed the project?

Please help! This issue has been nagging me for YEARS without being able to find a solution to it.
in General Discussion by Mike MKJ (300 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The expand and collapse state are saved inside:

Search for: ProjectExplorer\x64_Expanded

And delete everything matching.

It is possible the expand and collapse states are not save properly because the file might be read-only. If you are using Perforce, you can remove the file from Perforce, or do a checkout.
by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35.8k points)
selected by Mike MKJ
While the file is not read only, I've discovered that, for some reason, sometimes the view state of the project explorer windows *still* doesn't get saved/restored properly - especially (or so it would seem) when more than one project explorer window is in use. Instead, it seems to get stuck at some point and will no longer be updated with the current view settings. Deleting the content as suggested, however, is a functional stopgap for this, allowing a new view state to be written to the file. But ultimately, Audiokinetic should revisit the code for saving/restoring the project explorer view settings to resolve this erroneous behavior.
If possible, you can send a Bug Report so that Audiokinetic gets the full context (Wwise version, possibly your wsettings file).