
Audiokinetic's Community Q&A is the forum where users can ask and answer questions within the Wwise and Strata communities. If you would like to get an answer from Audiokinetic's Technical support team, make sure you use the Support Tickets page.

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I have asked this question of Support but it was suggested that I also ask it here. 

Anyone here have experience using Wwise Motion with Quest 2 Touch Controllers? 


I have done the following to set up the Wwise Motion demo in our Wwise Project.

A. Licensed the Wwise Motion demo in the Manta Project 
B. Integrated Wwise Motion into the Project 
C. Successfully used Wwise Motion Source in Wwise Authoring Tool to deliver haptics to an Xbox One controller, wirelessly. 
D. Successfully used a regular audio signal in Wwise Authoring Tool to deliver haptics to an Xbox One controller, wirelessly. 

Now I am attempting to get a haptic signal out to a pair of Quest 2 controllers, which I have not been yet able to do. 

A. I started out by disconnecting the Xbox controller from the system. 
B. I have connected my Quest 2 to the PC via USBC, and it is seen by the system. (I normally use Air Link, but I figured USB would be a better bet while configuring Wwise for use with Quest) 
C. I have attempted to send signals out of Wwise Motion Source using a basically all the configurations and driver outputs, but have not gotten the Quest 2 controllers to respond. 

If any of the folks on your support team have tips for getting Wwise Motion to see the Quest 2 Controllers (Optimally as two discreet devices) I’d be all ears. 

Thanks in advance,
Ryan D. Kull - Wwise 2021.1.6.7774 - Unity 
in General Discussion by Ryan K. (100 points)

1 Answer

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I can't really be of much help Ryan. But I'm in a similar situation. Have you found a solution that works for you?



by Joel S. (210 points)