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Running Cube in Terminal not working!

0 votes
"Last login: Thu Jan 29 16:36:00 on ttys000
Sandys-MacBook-Pro:~ SandyMcLean$ /Users/SandyMcLean/Documents/WwiseProjects/Wwise\ Lessons/Cube\ Demo/Mac/Profile/bin/ ; exit;
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/SDL2.framework/Versions/A/SDL2
  Referenced from: /Users/SandyMcLean/Documents/WwiseProjects/Wwise Lessons/Cube Demo/cube/./CubeMacProfile
  Reason: image not found
/Users/SandyMcLean/Documents/WwiseProjects/Wwise Lessons/Cube Demo/Mac/Profile/bin/ line 4: 28740 Trace/BPT trap: 5       "./CubeMacProfile"
[Process completed]"
^^ Getting that when I try to run Cube in the Terminal. Is something just in the wrong place?
asked Jan 29, 2015 in General Discussion by Sandy H. (110 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

Hello Sandy, I presume you are trying to run Cube for the Wwise 101 Certification Course ?

As described in " Lesson 1: Installing Wwise and Preparing Lesson Content (Mac) ", you need to install some extra libraries on your Mac to be able to run the cube. Please follow the steps before launching the .sh script. If you don't follow the steps described in the .pdf and don't install the extra library, the Terminal outputs the error you are currently getting.

answered Feb 2, 2015 by Fabien B. (Audiokinetic) (12,860 points)
Thanks, the framework wasn't in the right spot!
0 votes
I know that this question was asked a while ago, but for any other users out there, here's what I did. (I am also on Mac OS X 10.9.5)

If you're sure that you downloaded all the necessary files, go to your system preferences, and then security and privacy. Click the lock at the bottom of the window to make changes and type in your administrator password. Above the lock symbol, there should be this sentence: Allow apps downloaded from... Below this there are three options; Mac app store, Mac app store and identified developers, and Anywhere. Click Anywhere, and if a message comes up, click allow. After that, close system preferences, and try opening the file again. It should work this time.

It worked for me, and if you figured it out, great! For anyone else having this issue, give this a shot.
answered Apr 1, 2016 by Joseph J. (180 points)