Hello, this is my first time trying to install Wwise ever, I wanna do the online certifications but I'm not able to install it, I get the following error every time:
Install operation completed with errors:
Command failed: sh -c 'mkdir -p "/Applications/Wwise 2021.1.8.7831",chown
Support/Audiokinetic",find /Applications/Audiokinetic \(-type f -or -type d V -
not -name "DS_Store" -exec chown : wwise _launcher 1] +;find
/Applications/Audiokinetic (-type f-or -type d 1) -not -name "DS Store" -exec
chmod ug+rwx,o+r (} +' find: /Applications/Audiokinetic: No such file or
directory find: /Applications/Audiokinetic: No such file or directory
The installation doesn't go through after that. I've searched over and over on the internet but I can't seem to find a solution for this, can someone tell me how to fix it please? :)
macbook pro m1 wwise launcher 2022.1.3.1723 trying to install Wwise 2021.1.8.7831