I cannot for the of me get UE4 to integrate to Wwise on Mac. I've installed older versions of UE4 and Wwise with no success. Ive tried install both as Game Plugin and Engine Plugin -
I get the following errors:
1. Intergration gets stuck on "Copying Wwise SDK" - the integration stalls here - (i have to force quit it each time)
2. Operation completed with error.
See LOG:
2022-05-18T16:19:51.935Z: Process matching /(UE\d+|UnrealEditor).app\/Contents\/MacOS\/\1(Editor)?/: not found.
2022-05-18T16:19:51.935Z: Game integration: Pushing progress: Listing project files... 55%.
2022-05-18T16:19:51.972Z: Game integration: Pushing progress: Validating project... 60%.
2022-05-18T16:19:51.974Z: Game integration: Pushing progress: Validating Wwise SDK... 65%.
2022-05-18T16:19:51.975Z: Game integration: Pushing progress: Creating empty Wwise project... 68%.
2022-05-18T16:19:51.976Z: Game integration: Creating Wwise project /Users/collinscudder/Documents/Unreal Projects/Another/Another_WwiseProject/Another_WwiseProject.wproj
2022-05-18T16:20:32.490Z: Game integration: Error: wine: configuration in L"Y:\\Library\\Application Support\\Wwise2019\\Bottles\\Wwise2019x64" has been updated.
2022-05-18T16:20:32.603Z: Game integration: Pushing progress: An error occurred during the creation of the new Wwise project. 100%.
2022-05-18T16:20:32.604Z: Tracking: launcher/unreal/install/success/ installType:add bundleId:unrealintegration.2021_1_8_2284 engineVersion:4.27 platformsToInstall: isCreatingWwiseProject:true
2022-05-18T16:20:40.848Z: Tracking: launcher/openLog
2022-05-18T16:30:46.834Z: Tracking: launcher/openLog
Current specs:
UE4: 4.72
Wwise: 2021.1.8.7831
Computer specs: MacOS Catalina
27inch (late 2013) IMac - 32GB of Ram, 3.5 GHz Quad core.