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 I've been trying to create my own implementation of the Cube demo that shipped with Wwise v2014.1 (5158) but have hit a brick wall with the Hit_Rocket_Player call not triggering a sound asset (the rocket explosion) in-game. I get an Event ID Not Found call every time it should play but I can't figure out where the problem is. Everything works fine in the Soundcaster, but not when try it in the engine.  I've made sure to check that all of the events are included in the soundbank.The Fire_Rocket_Player and End_Rocket_Player events both work fine, by the way.

When I pulled up the Wwise implementation that comes with the installation package, to see how they did it, I found the same problem in the shipped version. How can I get the explosion file to trigger in-game?

in General Discussion by Bryn S. (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Hi Bryn
You can fix it by changing one line of code in the weapon.cpp file
On line 211 replace this piece of code;
snd_event(guns[p->gun].eventhit, &v );
With this;
snd_event(name, p );
For some reason this hit event is set up differently in the code to the Start and End events, but this change seemed to fix it for me.


by Simon G. (1.0k points)
selected by Bryn S.
Brilliant, Simon. It took a little bit of futzing to get Visual Studio 2013 to work with the Cube solution, but that seems to have fixed both the player's missiles and enemy projectiles in one fell swoop.