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Currently in the process of doing Course 301, lesson 2, and since the attenuation spheres weren't working (even after doing Max Attenuation on, etc) i started messing around with trying to see if it actually generates the soundbanks correctly.

When generating from Wwise it works, but when generating from Unity it gives Fatal error saying can't write Wwise_IDs.h file. i triple checked that soundbanks go to streaming assets/audio/generated soundbanks and that that folder is set for the soundbanks in both Wwise and unity. i am also using the recommended versions of Wwise, WAG and Unity, and checked that the correct Wwise exe is set for unity, and that i'm using the correct Wwise project set for Unity (which also is a bit confusing, since there are Wwise projects in the Wwise-301 folders as well as the WwisePrject folder)

I also tried creating an extra event in wwise just to see if it shows up in Wwise picker in unity after generating, but it does not. I've deleted and re-generated the soundbanks multiple times, as well as trying different folders (such as the GeneratedSoundBanks folder in WwiseAdventureGameSource) but nothing seems to change anything.

in the folder it also shows only the folder "english" and bunch of smaller files, not the normal hierarchy of Windows, mac etc., don't know if that's relevant.

Thanks in advance for your help, i hope i can get back to the course
in General Discussion by Miika U. (110 points)

1 Answer

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It works for me:

1.Go to Project>Project Settings>SoundBank

2.Modify Header file path. I use Windows platform so my path is ..\WwiseAdventureGameSource\Assets\StreamingAssets\Audio\GeneratedSoundBanks

3.Generate SoundBank in UnityEngine. Then the Unity log shows me the generation is successful.


I notice that the default path of header file path is "Z:\...." that is not for Windows platform. Maybe it is the reason causes this bug.
by Ziyu Liu (140 points)
i got this same problem and this did not fix it