Audiokinetic's Community Q&A is the forum where users can ask and answer questions within the Wwise and Strata communities. If you would like to get an answer from Audiokinetic's Technical support team, make sure you use the Support Tickets page.

+5 votes
I got the latest Wwise version installed on my M1 MacBook Air (12.3) and when i try to launch it immediately crashes. I tried uninstalling and installing previous versions but none of them worked. I wasn't able to run it a single time.

Does Wwise actually runs on M1 machines? Does anyone was able to open it on M1?

in General Discussion by Filip (180 points)
Have the same problem, hope can solve this problem ASAP
hello> my mac 10.9.5 and  wwise dosen t work!
Bumping after reading, but also sharing to make sure this is the same issue.

I also updated my iMac to macOS Monterey Version 12.3. I am unsure how to check if the Python framework has been removed in my update, but when I open any of my Wwise projects, it claimes that:

"Wwise2019 quit unexpectedly."

Even though I am trying to open Wwise 2021.1.7.7796 and 2021.1.6.7774.

I only ran into this problem after I updated my iMac and this is my first time fully implementing a Wwise project by myself so it is possible that I could have done something to cause this other than the update, but uninstalling and reinstalling didn't solve my problem.

If you have any more questions or think this is unrelated let me know. Either way, I want to comment to be pinged when a patch is made. I can't continue certain work without it and my team isn't familiar with Wwise.
I'd say it is related since I have the same issue (macOS 12.3 + wwise's message "quit unexpectedly"). It was perfectly fine with my projects before the macOS update. I've tried several wwise versions and none seemed to work. According to Samuel L. from Audiokinetic in the message bellow, there should be a fix to this error this week.

3 Answers

+4 votes
This is an issue that appears as a result of the Python framework being removed in an update of macOS. It causes to crash on start since it cannot find this framework.
We have had this dependency removed back in November 2021 in prevision of this removal, but unfortunately the executable was still listing the framework as a dependency.

We are working to promptly release updated packages that fixes the problem. I will post here once the fixed packages are available.

There is unfortunately no workaround for the moment since this framework is no longer available in the System image on macOS 12.3, and this image is read-only.
by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23.6k points)

I have the same issue since the macOS 12.3 update, which removed the Python framework.

After reinstalling Python 2.7 using homebrew, Wwise still won't launch, but the difference is that now I don't get a crash log at all, so I don't know what to do.

I tried Wwise 2021.1.7 and 2019.2.14, and they both crashed. Wwise worked fine under macOS 12.2.

Installing Python 2.7 from homebrew or the official Python installer is not a workaround unfortunately since the dependency is specifically to the system framework. This dependency is listed in all versions of at the moment, so as mentioned there is no workaround at the moment.
Any idea how long the fix might take?
I've made it my highest priority. I am currently targeting a hotfix patch next week.
Sounds great, thanks a lot!
I have been having this EXACT issue. To a T. I'm also a sound design student so this issue has been interfering with my courses. Please keep us updated on a fix!
I am facing similar problem. Hopefully this can resolve soon.
It appears to be fixed now! Just re-install it.

+3 votes
Best answer

As mentioned in my previous answer, this issue was caused by the removal of the Python framework starting with macOS 12.3.
We have repackaged and redeployed a fixed that no longer has this dependency for all versions that supported macOS Monterey officially (all versions released in November 2021 and later).

These versions are:

  • Wwise 2021.1.7.7796
  • Wwise 2021.1.6.7774
  • Wwise 2021.1.5.7749
  • Wwise 2019.2.14.7616

EDIT: As of 2023-02-10, Wwise 2019.1.11 has receives this fix as well.

To fix the issue, you will need to delete your Wwise installation and re-download one of the above versions.
If the Launcher reports a checksum error when downloading, you can clear the cache with the following terminal command:
rm -rf $TMPDIR/WwiseLauncher

If you encounter any issue launching Wwise on macOS Monterey 12.3 with the above versions, please fill a bug report.

by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23.6k points)
edited by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic)
0 votes
我的设备是Mac book Pro(13-inch,M1,2020)版,可以正常打开wwise,如果题主无法打开的话,可能是兼容性的问题导致的。尝试下载最新版的wwise,并在【系统偏好设置】->【安全与隐私】->【运行从以下下载的APP】选项中勾选【APP store和被认可的开发者】选项。理论上就可以正常启动了。另外,最新版的wwise是支持M1芯片的。
by liuxiandong (140 points)