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Xbox Unity Constrain Crash

+1 vote

I'm experiencing crash on Xbox with:
- Unity: 2019.4.30f1
- Wwise: 2019.2.13.7577
- Deployment Platform: Microsoft Game Core Xbox One

Crash happens on build launched on xbox. It's caused by a combination of playing compressed sfx's (vorbis, or opus) and constraining the game on xbox. I've reproduced it in fresh Unity and Wwise project with just 2 sounds, playing repeatedly every 1 second. Now when I constrain and resume the game (sometimes crashes after first time, sometimes I have to repeat it for few times), game crashes after few seconds. This happens more quickly with Vorbis compression. It's related to memory allocation/deallocation from wrong thread.
Crash message: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.

I've also tired reproducing it with newest Wwise 2021 on the same Unity version, and I couldn't reproduce it.

Is there a way of making this work on wwise 2019? (It'd be good to avoid updating whole wwise project)

All the best, and thanks in advance,

demandé 25-Nov-2021 dans General Discussion par Adam J. (110 points)
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