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DllNotFoundException Unity Linux [已关闭]

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We're trying to upgrade to Wwise 2021.1.1 or 2021.1.2, but we have a DllNotfoundExeption error with the libAkSoundEngine.so in Unity Linux Editor.

The library is correctly set in the editor, but no more information are available about the error, we don't know if it is a dependencies problem.

We've tested on a fresh empty projet, the error is still present.

DllNotFoundException: AkSoundEngine
AkSoundEngine.IsInitialized () (at Assets/Wwise/API/Runtime/Generated/Linux/AkSoundEngine_Linux.cs:110)
AkGameObj.OnDisable () (at Assets/Wwise/MonoBehaviour/Runtime/AkGameObj.cs:161)

DllNotFoundException: AkSoundEngine
AkSoundEngine.RegisterGameObj (UnityEngine.GameObject gameObject, System.String name) (at Assets/Wwise/API/Runtime/Handwritten/Common/AkSoundEngine.cs:105)
AkGameObj.Register () (at Assets/Wwise/MonoBehaviour/Runtime/AkGameObj.cs:68)
AkAudioListener.Awake () (at Assets/Wwise/MonoBehaviour/Runtime/AkAudioListener.cs:61)
关闭重复的问题: Support on Unity Linux Editor
最新提问 6月 4, 2021 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Antoine G. (430 分)
已关闭 8月 6, 2021 用户:Samuel L. (Audiokinetic)