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Can't install newest version of Wwise

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I was hoping to install the latest version of Wwise to access wem files that use the lastest version of the software but everytime I keep on trying to install the launcher I keep on getting the checksum validation failed for file: Authoring.Documentation.tar.xz. wwise error. Does anyone have any solutions for this issue?
最新提问 11月 27, 2020 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Nemo P. (100 分)
UPDATE: I have the complete launcher log right here:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fxQI89a-0jhBecRFQB3xvMP9F1HWT0rilO333x9EWfw/edit


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Please help us wwise team, I am also having trouble installing it from the launcher: "Failed to install prerequisits".
最新回答 2月 17, 2021 用户: Tamas H. (140 分)