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Can we process a purchase using Purchase Orders?

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We have a credit card budget that only exceeds a limit. Can we move forward with a purchase using a Purchase Order?

Please advise.

Thank you,

Irma Ward

Associate Producer

W: 310-255-7394
最新提问 3月 9, 2016 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Irma W. (100 分)


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We generally do payments via cheque or wire transfer, and allow credit card and Paypal payments for smaller items.  Please contact sales@audiokinetic.com to get that whole process started, since they'll have some questions about your project in order to generate a quotation specific to you.


Mike D.
最新回答 3月 10, 2016 用户: Mike D. (Audiokinetic) (3,860 分)