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Wwise-Unreal 4.27.2 Failing to Build // Error LNK2019

0 votes
Hi all,

Having an issue getting my Unreal 4.27.2 project to build - Visual Studio is saying the following:

"Error    LNK2019    unresolved external symbol "enum AKRESULT __cdecl AK::SoundEngine::Query::GetListenerSpatialization(unsigned int,bool &,float * &,struct AkChannelConfig &)" (?GetListenerSpatialization@Query@SoundEngine@AK@@YA?AW4AKRESULT@@IAEA_NAEAPEAMAEAUAkChannelConfig@@@Z) referenced in function "public: virtual enum AKRESULT __cdecl FWwiseSoundEngineAPI_2022_1::FQuery::GetListenerSpatialization(unsigned int,bool &,float * &,struct AkChannelConfig &)" (?GetListenerSpatialization@FQuery@FWwiseSoundEngineAPI_2022_1@@UEAA?AW4AKRESULT@@IAEA_NAEAPEAMAEAUAkChannelConfig@@@Z)    EchoesOfAcropolis    C:\Users\seeth\OneDrive\Desktop\EchoesOfAcropolis\echoes\Intermediate\ProjectFiles    C:\Users\seeth\OneDrive\Desktop\EchoesOfAcropolis\echoes\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\Module.WwiseSoundEngine_2022_1.cpp.obj    1        "

I've tried deleting & regenerating VS files numerous times with no change - has anyone else encountered this?



asked Apr 19 in General Discussion by Brandon Z. (100 points)

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