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"Unity - Wwise doesn't unregister GameObjects on DISABLED.

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"Unity - Wwise doesn't unregister GameObjects on DISABLED.

In three games I've worked on using Wwise & Unity, the same issue always arises...

Three different programmers, three different environments, yet three times the same answer.


We always resort to the solution of DESTROYING objects to get the job done with Wwise, but ideally, this isn't how Unity works.

Developers pool their objects by enabling and disabling them, which is less costly in resources than having to redraw all colliders by spawning and killing objects in the scene.

With Wwise, we're able to trigger anything out of DESTROY, ENABLE, DISABLE... But why keep an Active Registered GameObject in Wwise when the object is disabled in Unity? Why?

It leaks our amount of Active GameObjects for nothing in the Sound Engine.

I have to explain the same thing in each project to every different programmer.

"Yo, you need to kill the object. I cannot handle Unity pooling."

I think Wwise should really consider adding some code to unregister GameObjects on disabled and call register GameObject on enabled objects, so it could finally support Unity's pooling system."
asked Apr 11 in General Discussion by Yann M. (110 points)

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