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UE issues with spamming errors on some rooms and Voice Starving

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Hi has anyone got issues with Unreal's logs spammed by similiar lines in some rooms?

LogWwiseSoundEngine: Error: Wwise SoundEngine: GetZone(resultPt) == in_zone. File: C:\Jenkins\ws\wwise_v2023.1\Wwise\SDK\source\SpatialAudio\Common\AkDiffractionEdge.cpp, line: 340
LogWwiseSoundEngine: Error: Wwise SoundEngine: GetZone(resultPt) == ViewZone. File: C:\Jenkins\ws\wwise_v2023.1\Wwise\SDK\source\SpatialAudio\Common\AkDiffractionEdge.cpp, line: 395

We work on the modified UE 5.3 and fresh Wwise 2023.1.1

Errors are not telling much by themself, at the earlier stage they were associated with rooms not being "watertight" (and how that is making life pain when trying to edit a geometry into more than a box I won't even mention :/ ) but after clearing affected boxes other ones are having issues without any information except the error itself and stuttering audio.

One day those volumes tend to work fine, another you stay in some of the SpatialAudioVolume or ReverbZone and whole log gets red (when most other volumes will work fine), or when entering portals it will throw bunch of those lines and Voice Starving gets present. I have even one region where you can simply place in a fresh SAV, and it will just throw errors without any portal and disabled diffraction on all sounds in the whole region.

Quite frustrating thing but maybe someone has some answer to the problem.
最新提问 3月 8 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Jan Dzyr (110 分)
We are getting a lot of these errors as well and just like you, they tend to happen whenever a room is not a simple box. I can't figure out for the life of me why it's detecting the geometry to not be watertight.

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