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Crash/Bug in FAkAudioDevice::UnregisterComponent

0 votes
In WWise Unreal Engine integration we have found an issue.

In the function FAkAudioDevice::UnregisterComponent, there is this piece of code:

    if (m_defaultListeners.Contains(in_pComponent))


The Contain call is returning that the just removed component is still in the m_defaultListeners container (which is of type "typedef TSet<TWeakObjectPtr<UAkComponent>> UAkComponentSet"), and that is because the remove has removed other of the default listeners in the set but not the one we have passed as a parameter.

This happens 100%.

Anyone else is having this issue?

One temporary fix has been to change the declaration of UAkComponentSet from:

typedef TSet<TWeakObjectPtr<UAkComponent>> UAkComponentSet;


typedef TSet<UAkComponent*> UAkComponentSet;

Any ideas?

Thank you.
asked Feb 19 in General Discussion by Jose Paredes (100 points)

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