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Haptics on Meta Quest 2/Pro using Motion plugin

0 支持

Hello there, community!
Does anyone have experience with using the Motion plugin to trigger haptics on android devices, such as Meta Quest 2 and Meta Quest Pro, through Unity? I can't seem to get it to work.

Also, is there support for triggering haptics with different frequencies on the Meta Quest Pro?


Wwise 2022.1.3.8179

Unity 2021.3.21f1

Joel S. (200 ポイント) 2023 7/5 質問 General Discussion

回答 1

0 支持
Hello! It is currently (as of January 2024) not possible for Motion to interface with Quest controllers.
Motion doesn't seem to communicate with the Quest hardware layer at all.
This might be something that gets fixed later, but I wouldn't hold your breath!
JDSherbert (140 ポイント) 1/15 回答