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Soundbanks Generation Error in Adventure Game

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I am new to wwise and I'm going through the 301 course (I have the lisence) but when I click generate soundbanks in Unity I get this error:

WwiseUnity: SoundBanks generation error:

*** Loading Project ***

ProjectLoad    Warning    ProjectAlreadyOpened    The project you are trying to open is already opened in another instance of Wwise. Beware that opening the same project multiple times might cause problems, including corrupting the project conversion cache.    

*** Bank Generation ***

SoundBankGeneration    Fatal Error    WritingWwiseIDsFileFailed    Can't write Wwise_IDs.h file        Wwise_IDs.h

Process completed with fatal error(s).

AkUtilities:GenerateSoundbanks(List`1) (at Assets/Wwise/Deployment/API/Handwritten/Common/AkUtilities.cs:267)
AkWwisePicker:OnGUI() (at Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseWindows/AkWwisePicker.cs:47)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/IMGUI/GUIUtility.cs:179


Furthermore, when I go to generate the soundbanks in WWISE I get a fatal error saying "Cant write WWISE_IDs.h file"

I'm using WWISE 2019.1.11 and Unity 2018.4.32 as instructed in the course.

Any idea whats wrong here?

最新提问 2月 18, 2023 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Kramer K. (100 分)

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