Wwise SDK 2024.1.1
Definition of data structures for AkAudioObject 更多...
命名空间 | |
BookmarkAlloc | |
Comm | |
HashTable | |
Instrument | |
MemoryArena | |
MemoryMgr | |
Monitor | |
MusicEngine | |
ProfilingID | |
SoundEngine | |
SpatialAudio | |
Audiokinetic spatial audio namespace | |
SpeakerVolumes | |
Multi-channel volume definitions and services. | |
StreamMgr | |
Audiokinetic Stream Manager's implementation-specific interfaces of the Low-Level IO submodule. | |
TempAlloc | |
Win32 | |
Win32 namespace | |
namespace | Wwise |
WwiseAuthoringAPI | |
类 | |
struct | AkAudioObjectBuffer |
A common hashtable for mapping audioobjectIds to a combination of audio buffers and objects 更多... | |
struct | AkBiquadCoefficients |
Coefficients to be used for application of digital biquad filters 更多... | |
struct | AkBiquadMemories |
"Memories" storing the previous state of the digital biquad filter 更多... | |
class | AkFXParameterChangeHandler |
struct | AkHashTable |
struct | AkHashTableBase |
struct | AkMetering |
Struct containing metering information about a buffer. Depending on when this struct is generated, you may get metering data computed in the previous frame only. 更多... | |
struct | AudioContextDefaults |
class | CAkValueRamp |
class | FNVHash |
struct | Hash30 |
struct | Hash32 |
struct | Hash64 |
class | IAk3DAudioSinkPlugin |
Software plug-in interface for sink (audio end point) which supports 3D audio features. 更多... | |
class | IAkAndroidContext |
Context specific to the Android port of Wwise SDK. 更多... | |
class | IAkAudioDeviceEffectPlugin |
class | IAkAudioDeviceEffectPluginContext |
class | IAkAutoStream |
class | IAkDeviceProfile |
class | IAkEffectPlugin |
Software effect plug-in interface (see 创建声音引擎效果器插件). 更多... | |
class | IAkEffectPluginContext |
class | IAkEmscriptenContext |
Context specific to the Emscripten port of Wwise SDK. 更多... | |
class | IAkGameObjectPluginInfo |
Game object information available to plugins. 更多... | |
class | IAkGlobalPluginContext |
class | IAkInPlaceEffectPlugin |
Software effect plug-in interface for in-place processing (see 创建声音引擎效果器插件). 更多... | |
class | IAkInPlaceObjectPlugin |
class | IAkiOSContext |
Context specific to the iOS port of Wwise SDK. 更多... | |
class | IAkLinuxContext |
Context specific to the Linux port of Wwise SDK. 更多... | |
class | IAkMacContext |
Context specific to the macOS port of Wwise SDK. 更多... | |
class | IAkMixerInputContext |
Interface to retrieve information about an input of a mix connection (for processing during the SpeakerVolumeMatrix Callback) 更多... | |
class | IAkMixerPluginContext |
Interface to retrieve contextual information for a mixer. 更多... | |
class | IAkOpenHarmonyContext |
Context specific to the OpenHarmony port of Wwise SDK. 更多... | |
class | IAkOutOfPlaceEffectPlugin |
Software effect plug-in interface for out-of-place processing (see 创建声音引擎效果器插件). 更多... | |
class | IAkOutOfPlaceObjectPlugin |
class | IAkPlatformContext |
class | IAkPlugin |
class | IAkPluginContextBase |
Interface to retrieve contextual information available to all types of plugins. 更多... | |
class | IAkPluginMemAlloc |
class | IAkPluginParam |
class | IAkPluginService |
Common interface for plug-in services accessed through the global plug-in context 更多... | |
class | IAkPluginServiceAudioObjectAttenuation |
Interface for the services related to extracting attenuation curves from audio objects and using them. 更多... | |
class | IAkPluginServiceAudioObjectPriority |
class | IAkPluginServiceHashTable |
class | IAkPluginServiceMarkers |
Interface for the markers service. 更多... | |
class | IAkPluginServiceMixer |
Interface for the "Mixer" plug-in service, to handle mixing together of signals, or applying simple transforms 更多... | |
class | IAkPluginServiceRNG |
class | IAkPluginServiceTempAlloc |
class | IAkProcessorFeatures |
class | IAkPS4Context |
Context specific to the PS4 port of Wwise SDK. 更多... | |
class | IAkPS5Context |
Context specific to the PS5 port of Wwise SDK. 更多... | |
class | IAkRTPCSubscriber |
class | IAkSinkPlugin |
Software interface for sink (audio endpoint) plugins. 更多... | |
class | IAkSinkPluginBase |
class | IAkSinkPluginContext |
class | IAkSourcePlugin |
Wwise sound engine source plug-in interface (see 创建声音引擎源插件). 更多... | |
class | IAkSourcePluginContext |
class | IAkStdStream |
class | IAkStreamMgr |
class | IAkStreamMgrProfile |
class | IAkStreamProfile |
class | IAkSwitchContext |
Context specific to the NX port of Wwise SDK. 更多... | |
class | IAkVoicePluginInfo |
Voice-specific information available to plug-ins. 更多... | |
class | IAkWin32Context |
Context specific to the Win32 port of Wwise SDK. 更多... | |
class | IAkXboxGCContext |
Context specific to the XboxOneGC port of Wwise SDK. 更多... | |
class | IReadBytes |
class | IWriteBuffer |
class | IWriteBytes |
class | ObjectPool |
An object pool of N reusable objects with one allocation. 更多... | |
struct | ObjectPoolNoLock |
struct | PluginBookmarkAllocRegion |
class | PluginRegistration |
class | ReadBytesMem |
class | ReadBytesSkip |
class | WriteBytesBuffer |
class | WriteBytesCount |
class | WriteBytesMem |
类型定义 | |
typedef int(* | _akmotionPadGetHandle) (int userId, int type, int index) |
typedef int(* | _akmotionPadGetContainerIdInformation) (int handle, void *pInfo) |
typedef int(* | _akmotionPadGetControllerType) (int handle, void *pControllerType) |
typedef int(* | _akmotionPadSetVibrationMode) (int handle, ScePadVibrationMode mode) |
typedef int(* | _akmotionPadSetVibration) (int handle, const void *pParam) |
typedef int(* | _akmotionPadGetControllerBusType) (int handle, void *pBusType) |
typedef void(* | AkDeviceStatusCallbackFunc) (AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext *in_pContext, AkUniqueID in_idAudioDeviceShareset, AkUInt32 in_idDeviceID, AkAudioDeviceEvent in_idEvent, AKRESULT in_AkResult) |
typedef AK::AkHashTable< AkAudioObjectID, AkAudioObjectBuffer > | AkAudioObjectBufferMap |
typedef FNVHash< Hash32 > | FNVHash32 |
typedef FNVHash< Hash30 > | FNVHash30 |
typedef FNVHash< Hash64 > | FNVHash64 |
template<AkMemID T_MEMID = AkMemID_Object> | |
using | ObjectPoolDefaultAllocator = AkArrayAllocatorNoAlign< T_MEMID > |
using | ObjectPoolDefaultLockType = ObjectPoolNoLock |
枚举 | |
enum | AkAudioDeviceEvent { AkAudioDeviceEvent_Initialization, AkAudioDeviceEvent_Removal, AkAudioDeviceEvent_SystemRemoval, AkAudioDeviceEvent_Last } |
enum | AkChannelOrdering { ChannelOrdering_Standard = 0, ChannelOrdering_Film, ChannelOrdering_FuMa, ChannelOrdering_RunTime, ChannelOrdering_Last } |
Channel ordering type. 更多... | |
enum | AkSinkPluginType { AkSinkPluginType_Sink, AkSinkPluginType_3DAudioSink } |
enum | AkPluginServiceType { PluginServiceType_Mixer = 0, PluginServiceType_RNG = 1, PluginServiceType_AudioObjectAttenuation = 2, PluginServiceType_AudioObjectPriority = 3, PluginServiceType_HashTable = 4, PluginServiceType_Markers = 5, PluginServiceType_TempAlloc = 6, PluginServiceType_MAX } |
enum | AkSIMDProcessorSupport { AK_SIMD_SSE = 1<<0, AK_SIMD_SSE2 = 1<<1, AK_SIMD_SSE3 = 1<<2, AK_SIMD_SSSE3 = 1<<3, AK_SIMD_SSE41 = 1<<4, AK_SIMD_AVX = 1<<5, AK_SIMD_F16C = 1<<6, AK_SIMD_AVX2 = 1<<7 } |
SIMD instruction sets. 更多... | |
函数 | |
static AkUInt32 | GetAppLocalDeviceIdHash (const APP_LOCAL_DEVICE_ID *in_pAppLocalDeviceId) |
static bool | IsBankCodecID (AkUInt32 in_codecID) |
static AkUInt8 | ChannelMaskToNumChannels (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask) |
Returns the number of channels of a given channel configuration. 更多... | |
static AkChannelMask | ChannelMaskFromNumChannels (unsigned int in_uNumChannels) |
static AkUInt8 | ChannelBitToIndex (AkChannelMask in_uChannelBit, AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask) |
AkForceInline bool | HasLFE (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask) |
AkForceInline bool | HasCenter (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask) |
AkForceInline AkUInt32 | GetNumberOfAnglesForConfig (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask) |
AkForceInline bool | HasSurroundChannels (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask) |
AkForceInline bool | HasStrictlyOnePairOfSurroundChannels (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask) |
AkForceInline bool | HasSideAndRearChannels (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask) |
AkForceInline bool | HasHeightChannels (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask) |
Returns true if standard configuration represented by channel mask has at least one "height" channel (above the plane). 更多... | |
AkForceInline AkChannelMask | BackToSideChannels (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask) |
AkVector | ConvertAkVector64ToAkVector (AkVector64 in) |
AkTransform | ConvertAkWorldTransformToAkTransform (AkWorldTransform in) |
AkVector64 | ConvertAkVectorToAkVector64 (AkVector in) |
AkWorldTransform | ConvertAkTransformToAkWorldTransform (AkTransform in) |
AkForceInline AkUInt64 | GetObjectChannelHash (AkUInt64 in_uAudioObjectId, AkUInt32 in_uChannelIdx) |
Common hash function for getting a unique hash for a channel on an audio object 更多... | |
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value, bool >::type = true> | |
T | ReadUnaligned (const AkUInt8 *in_pVal) |
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value, bool >::type = true> | |
void | WriteUnaligned (AkUInt8 *out_pVal, const T in_val) |
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if< std::is_class< T >::value, bool >::type = true> | |
void | WriteUnaligned (AkUInt8 *out_pVal, const T &in_val) |
template<typename T > | |
T | ReadBankData (AkUInt8 *&in_rptr) |
Read data from bank and advance pointer. 更多... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | ReadVariableSizeBankData (AkUInt8 *&in_rptr) |
char * | ReadBankStringUtf8 (AkUInt8 *&in_rptr, AkUInt32 &out_uStringSize) |
AkForceInline AkUInt32 | GetNumNonZeroBits (AkUInt32 in_uWord) |
AkForceInline AkUInt32 | GetNextPowerOfTwo (AkUInt32 in_uValue) |
AkForceInline AkUInt32 | ROTL32 (AkUInt32 x, AkUInt32 r) |
AkForceInline AkUInt64 | ROTL64 (AkUInt64 x, AkUInt64 r) |
int | GetPS4OutputHandle (AkOutputDeviceID deviceId=0) |
int | GetSceAudio3dPortId () |
SceAudioOut2PortHandle | GetAudioOut2PortHandle (AkOutputDeviceID deviceId=0) |
void | GetAudioOut2SpeakerAngles (AkReal32 out_pfSpeakerAngles[3], AkReal32 &out_rfHeightAngle, const SceAudioOut2SpeakerInfo &in_rInfo) |
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AkUInt32 | GetDeviceID (IMMDevice *in_pDevice) |
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AkUInt32 | GetDeviceIDFromName (wchar_t *in_szToken) |
AKSOUNDENGINE_API const wchar_t * | GetWindowsDeviceName (AkInt32 index, AkUInt32 &out_uDeviceID, AkAudioDeviceState uDeviceStateMask=AkDeviceState_All) |
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AkUInt32 | GetWindowsDeviceCount (AkAudioDeviceState uDeviceStateMask=AkDeviceState_All) |
AKSOUNDENGINE_API bool | GetWindowsDevice (AkInt32 in_index, AkUInt32 &out_uDeviceID, IMMDevice **out_ppDevice, AkAudioDeviceState uDeviceStateMask=AkDeviceState_All) |
变量 | |
AkReal32 | g_fFreqRatio |
Definition of data structures for AkAudioObject
Utility functions
Audiokinetic namespace
Can be used to track individual parameter changes to avoid costly computations when they remain constant This class is designed to use only the lower bit information of the parameter IDs
Ambisonics configurations (corresponding to AkChannelConfig::eConfigType == AK_ChannelConfigType_Ambisonic). Convention: X points towards the front, and XYZ follow a right-hand rule, so Y is the side vector (pointing to the left). Channel presence and ordering are predefined according to the number of channels. The ordering convention is ACN, with the mapping of components to number of channels detailed below (source: Normalization natively used in Wwise is SN3D.
Number of channels | Order | Description | Layout of components | |
Horizontal | Vertical | |||
1 | 0 | 0 | mono | |
4 | 1 | 1 | first-order full sphere | WYZX |
9 | 2 | 2 | second-order full sphere | WYZXVTRSU |
16 | 3 | 3 | third-order full sphere | WYZXVTRSUQOMKLNP |