












Understanding Selection Channels and Meter Instances

You can use Selection Channels to synchronize selections across multiple views. With Meter Instances, you can synchronize meters across several layouts. This means that the bus or Audio Device selected in one meter view is automatically selected in all meter views of the same instance.

Using Selection Channels to sync views

您可以采用以下任一方式使用 Selection Channel 来同步视图:

  • In the Project Explorer and Event Viewer(在工程资源管理器和事件查看器中):在不同布局内有多个 Project Explorer 或 Event Viewer 实例时,有时可能需要将这些视图同步。若针对多个 Project Explorer 或 Event Viewer 实例选择了同一 Selection Channel,则某一视图实例中所作的选择或移动将自动应用于其他实例。比如,若将三个不同布局内的三个不同 Project Explorer 全部同步到 Selection Channel 1,并切换到其中一个 Project Explorer 中的 Game Syncs(游戏同步器)选项卡,则所有同步到该通道的 Project Explorer 视图也会自动切换到 Game Syncs 选项卡。


    同一布局内的多个 Project Explorer 或 Event Viewer 实例不能属于同一 Selection Channel。

  • In other views that include the Selection Channel icon in their title bar(在标题栏中包含“选定通道”图标的其他视图中):使用此选项来将视图与 Project Explorer 或 Event Viewer 的特定 Selection Channel 同步。也就是说,只要在该通道对应 Project Explorer 或 Event Viewer 内选中对象,就会在同步的视图中自动选中所述对象。

在布局之间同步多个 Project Explorer 或 Event Viewer 实例:

  1. 在 Project Explorer(工程资源管理器)或 Event Viewer(事件查看器)的标题栏中,单击 Selection Channel(选定通道)图标。

  2. 从快捷菜单中,选择以下任一选项:

    • Pinned(锁定):禁止将视图与任何通道同步。

    • Sync with Selection Channel 1(与选定通道 1 同步):将视图同步到通道 1。

    • Sync with Selection Channel 2(与选定通道 2 同步):将视图同步到通道 2。

    • Sync with Selection Channel 3(与选定通道 3 同步):将视图同步到通道 3。

    • Sync with Selection Channel 4(与选定通道 4 同步):将视图同步到通道 4。

  3. 若要在其他布局内同步 Project Explorer 和 Event Viewer,请切换布局并重复步骤 1-2。

将其他视图同步到特定 Project Explorer 或 Event Viewer 通道:

  1. 在视图的标题栏中,单击 Selection Channel(选定通道)图标。

  2. 从快捷菜单中,选择以下任一选项:

    • Sync with Any Selection Channel(与任意选定通道同步):将视图同步到任意通道。

    • Pinned(锁定):禁止将视图与任何通道同步。

    • Sync with Selection Channel 1(与选定通道 1 同步):将视图同步到通道 1。

    • Sync with Selection Channel 2(与选定通道 2 同步):将视图同步到通道 2。

    • Sync with Selection Channel 3(与选定通道 3 同步):将视图同步到通道 3。

    • Sync with Selection Channel 4(与选定通道 4 同步):将视图同步到通道 4。

When you select an object in an Object Tab or Event Viewer, it's automatically selected in the Project Explorer of the same selection channel. To disable this automatic selection, clear Follow Object Selection.

Using Meter Instances to sync Meters across layouts

There are three different views dedicated to metering: Audio Device Meter, Loudness Meter, and Meter. Up to four Instances (A, B, C, or D) of each of these views can be opened simultaneously within a layout. Each view of the same type within a layout must be set to a different instance. The bus or Audio Device selected in each instance is automatically synced across all views of the same instance across all layouts. The bus or Audio Device selected for a particular instance is also restored the next time you open the same Wwise project.

To sync two Meter views:

  1. From the Wwise menu bar, click Views > Meter and select one of the following:

    • Meter - Instance A

    • Meter - Instance B

    • Meter - Instance C

    • Meter - Instance D

  2. In the Meter view that opens, select the desired bus or Audio Device.

  3. Switch to a different layout, then click Views > Meter and select the same meter instance from the list that you selected in step 1.

    In the Meter view that opens, the bus or Audio Device automatically matches the one you selected in step 2. Subsequent changes made to the selected bus or Audio Device in either layout will be reflected in the other layout.

The above procedure could be adapted for the Audio Device Meter or Loudness Meter.

To open an unsynced (pinned) meter:

  1. From the Wwise menu bar, click Views > Meter > Meter - New Pinned View (Ctrl+Shift+T)

  2. In the view that opens, select the desired bus or Audio Device.

    This meter will not be synced with any other meter.


    You can open an unlimited number of pinned meters.

The above procedure could be adapted for the Audio Device Meter. You can also change the Instance of a meter view by clicking on the pin or letter (A, B, C, or D) in the view's title bar.







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